- Give me the old fashioned one, please. 我要以前流行的那种。
- Give me the old fashioned. 请给我来老式的。
- The old castle gives me the creeps. 那座古城堡使我毛骨悚然。
- Andy said she would give me the live dope. 安迪说她可以向我提供最新的内部消息。
- Give me the gen on this new project. 把这新项目的资料给我。
- Add this numbers together and give me the total. 把这些数字加起来,告诉我总数是多少。
- Give me the low-down on her divorce. 把她离婚的实情告诉我吧。
- They gave me some stick for my old fashioned pants. 他们给了我短裤很差的评论,认为它过时了。
- That pervert again? He give me the creep. 那个色狼又出现了?他让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。
- The old fashioned cheese didn't ship well enough. 老式的奶酪不易运输。
- I missed the meeting. Can you give me the rundown? 我没能参加会议,你能告诉我会议的概要吗?
- Give me the lowdown on the new manager. 告诉我那新经理的底细。
- Give me the rundown on the election results. 向我扼要概述一下选举结果。
- She gave me an,old fashioned look, ie one expressing disapproval. 她用古板的眼光看着我(表示不以为然).
- She gave me an,old fashioned `look, ie one expressing disapproval. 她用古板的眼光看着我(表示不以为然).
- My new partner gives me the bellyache. 我的新拍档令我讨厌。
- Although Master had already given me the Golden Key, as the master of the old castle, no one else could possibly open it until I agreed. 虽然师父已将那把金色的钥匙交给了我,可是身为古堡的主人,除了我自己同意之外,没有别人能打开它。
- He gave me the bill of lading before leaving. 走之前,他交给我那张提货单。
- Then the king asked him which one he wanted for a wife. He answered, "I myself am no longer young, so give me the oldest one. 秘密解开了,国王问士兵他想选择哪一个公主作他的妻子,他回答说:“我年纪不小了,你就把大公主许配给我吧!
- The dark, dank cave gave me the willies. 这阴暗潮湿的山洞使我感到心惊肉跳。